Its no secret that I love to cook so it makes sense that the kitchen. is one of my favorite places in our house. To me the ultimate kitchen is the heart of the home. Its a place for everyone to gather to eat, talk, laugh and just spend time together.
You want to have a very well stocked kitchen but you don’t want get caught up in all the gadgets. These are all things that I actually have and use in my kitchen. Read to the end for a few warnings about products that I either never use, or that don’t work as advertised.
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Small Electrics
No Ultimate Kitchen is complete without a KitchenAide Mixer. If you are just beginning your Ultimate Kitchen and can only purchase one thing, it’s gotta be a KitchenAide Mixer. It is the perfect combination of beauty, power and utility.
Food Processors
I have both of these and they are the workhorse in my kitchen making everything from pesto to salsa to homemade ranch dressing.
These are two most versatile blenders on the market in my opinion. The Nutribullet is great for those grab and go smoothies on a busy morning. And the Vitamix is what you will use for EVERYTHING else. It is so much more than just a smoothie maker. If Im being honest, we use it the most as a frozen mojito machine. It makes the absolute best frozen drinks with ice like snow. It can also make hot soups, pesto, purees. hot sauces, and more. I doubt you will ever use all of its capabilities but it sure will be fun trying. And perhaps the best part is that it comes with a 7 year warranty!!! Now that’s hard to beat.
Air Fryer
You really can’t go wrong with either one of these. It really just depends on the aesthetics you are looking for. We use our air fryer all the time. A few of our favorites include everything from chicken nuggets to kale chips. .Essentially it is a tiny oven that is perfect for leftovers or those times you want to cook something quickly without heating up the large oven.
Ice Maker
I must admit that we do not have one of these because we have an under-counter built-in ice maker. But this is at the TOP of my list to get for the Beach House. Everyone I know who has one of these absolutely loves it.
I have this Nespresso machine and I absolutely love it. It makes delicious coffee (1 cup at a time) at a fraction of the cost of the coffee shops. They deliver the coffee right to your door making it super convenient. Coffee purist will tell you that the Technivorm makes the perfect cup of coffee. Moccamaster coffee brewers have set the global benchmark for at-home coffee brewing. Designed to extract the maximum flavor from your grounds in about 4-6 minutes, coffee from a Moccamaster is comparable to what you would brew using a more complex manual process or drink in a café.. While I don’t have one of these, I did buy one for my son and daughter-in-law and they love it.
I have each of these tools and they go along way to making life in the kitchen a lot easier. I love to cook but let’s face it, if there is something that I can use to make my life easier, I’m here for it.
Serving Pieces
I have all of these bakeware dishes and I absolutely love each of them. They look fabulous from the oven to the table.
The 3 piece set is from Crate and Barrel. I love each of the sizes but it didn’t have a 9×13 so I ordered the other one from Amazon.
It has super deep sides so it is perfect for a nice lasagna. You won’t have to worry about anything bubbling over while cooking with this dish.
All of these heat your food evenly and cook everything perfectly. These ae sure to be a favorite! I know they are for me.